Wednesday, 21 October 2009

THE POPICS - Familia Popiceilor Fericiti

Dupa aventurile celor doi popicei in Romania, transmise in direct, The Popics revine cu sezonul 2 : aventurile popiceilor la Londra. Imagini si o scurta recenzie in cele ce urmeaza, pentru detalii raporteaza de la fata locului Popicelu'! Tags: love, long walk, camden town, fabric 10th b-day, colored dots, pop life, snow, kisses, dead mauS, turists, friends, i monster, lovely couple :)

cu Ben..Big Ben
boys boys boys

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

a fost o vreme ca in povesti...friendly, free and funky (Internullo was whispering...)

hidden kohl-glossy tatoo i love Popi

Maybe it was all happening, maybe it was all in our heads

"Lovely couple"

cheers mates :))
Destinatia: Legoland...
Destinatia finala: Long Walk